Memories Of Snow.

I'm so excited about Christmas. The snow. The lights. The fireplace all lit up and warm. I can't wait to go outside and make snow angels. Just today I remembered being little and playing outside in the snow in one of those funny snowsuits with attached mittens. Those were hard to move in, but they sure were useful for rolling around in the snow, hiding inside an igloo, or laying on my back and watching the snowflakes floating toward me from the sky. Watching Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the origional) at least 5 times before Christmas came, still one of my favorites! :) I miss driving around with my Dad on Christmas eve looking at the lights while my Mom made dinner for us. I miss laying down to sleep and sharing whispers with my little brother on the top bunk. Even when I discovered Santa was only my Dad ringing a bell on the mantle, it was my little brother jolting from bed whispering "Did you hear that? He's here!" that made me feel warm inside. My grandparents sending us chocolate santas to put in the window for Mikulas, which is a Hungarian celebration for filling stockings before Christmas. Hanging the chocolates on the tree (or sneaking them off and putting the wrapper back on the tree! haha, which my brother and I were experts at). Building a snowman with my little brother and my Dad on a cold dark snowy night when I was 9. It was our first Christmas in Ohio, after we had moved here from Hungary, and presents didn't matter. All we had was us...I can't wait to make snow angels this year. That picture is me, in my funny snow pants.
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