Life In Fuschia...

~*Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King Jr.*~

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I think this may not be solid ground.
Not a road that leads to a place I can be safe.
I think I should slow down, and take a look around.
This may just be another cliff.
The next step could be the one that has no ground under it.
Just don't know if it's safe to come out from behind these walls.
Just don't know if I can conquer this insecurity inside me.
Need reassurance, but I don't know what will make it okay.
That's why I am the IDon'tKnowGirl.
Because I don't know...

(The above cartoon is from Jeff Thomas' Pon and Zi cartoons)


  • At 12:39 PM, Blogger awake1234 said…

    put your mind at rest
    i wish you all the best,
    although we do not know
    the way our futures go,
    of one thing we can be sure
    these days now will be pure,
    side by side we stand
    holding eachothers hand,

    looking for a light were blinded by the sight, of things not so clear and things not so near, while trying to find a way we question every day

    live in the moment
    moments to live
    life of feelings
    feeling life Feeling ALIVE
    thinking to stop
    stop thinking
    peaceful heart
    heart of peace
    life is a blessing
    blessing of life



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