Every Heartbeat Deserves a Chance...
So I'm reading some information on abortion today and it just pissed me right off...It's a woman's body? A human being's right to life outweigh's a woman's rights. I really can't comprehend how anyone who believes in a higher power can think abortion is an option. What makes me the most upset is women who make irresponsible choices, and continue to do so by choosing abortion because they don't want their lifestyles to change. What is even more baffling to me is that the same people who believe that killing innocent children AFTER birth is wrong, argue that killing them BEFORE they are born should be ok. AND THEN THEY PROCEED TO CALL IT FEMINISM! What is so feminist about arguing for the woman's choice at the expense of a human being's life? Why should women be able to choose death for children, if we're giving women the right to kill as long as the victim can't object. Supposedly society values life, if that's the case, why not ALL of life. And in the case of rapes, I still can't morally or ethically say I believe in aborting a life. Life is rough, bad things happen to everyone, but you don't solve them by taking an innocent life, you do what you have to do. I'm so sick of people giving reasons why taking life is alright and should be accepted and allowed by everyone. I don't want to hear excuses and explanations. People always have excuses for what they do, but excuses change nothing...There is no excuse for inflicting death onto others. We take animals and use them as we please to conduct torturous experiements that conducting on a "human" would be a crime. People would be horrified if those experiements were done on their own kind, yet they inflict the cruelest of sufferings on life they consider to be worth less than their own, which seems to be animals, unborn babies, and the neccessary casualties. Who decides which heartbeats matter in this world? People seem to think THEY do. We shoot defenseless animals and call it "sport," we shoot people and call it murder, except when we are supporting a self-serving politician's war, then we call it "ok." We skin animals alive, use mutilating traps, and anal electrocution, so we can wear them. And not just wild animals, CATS AND DOGS. We pay celebrities billions to do practically nothing...NOTHING...yet we have no money to educate our kids. Then there is global warming. THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH. And there's factory farming. People need to watch Meet Your Meat. If you knew what goes down at those factories, you wouldn't be feeding that meat to your children. Not to mention the horrific slaughtering of animals and the lifelong cagings, living in their own feces, and never knowing a shred of love or compassion for their life. And the circus...abusing it's animals and forcing them to perform for our entertainment. Pathetic. Sad. Not entertaining. The use of anal shocking, bullhooking, and lashing are only a few of the cruel methods used to make these animals perform. They didn't ask for that life, man forced it upon them. Abusing and taking life is not our right. We are not Gods, we are just people...We should be helping the voiceless, homeless, and loveless, not taking life away just because we have the means...*Every heart beats, but when you take away the hearts...there's only silence...*
At 12:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Awesome! There is so much truth in this post - I love it. The present evil age is truly not getting better - just worse. It is great to see someone who does not just believe whatever she is told - but rather has her own ideas based on what she has seen in life. That is how it should be. So many people live in a state of "blissful ignorance" just passively believing everything they are told. That, I believe, is one of the main reasons that the world is in the shape that it's in. Great post!! I look forward to reading more!
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