Life In Fuschia...

~*Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King Jr.*~

Thursday, December 28, 2006

My State of Confusion Leads Me To Believe I Am An Angry Gumball.

I got an e-mail today about a young deaf/underweight dog in need of a home. E-mails like that always bum me out because I don't have a home I can open to needy animals. These sort of e-mails and such always lead me to deep contemplations about the world...
I don't understand people sometimes. I look around and I see animals suffering, and it's almost like the other people around are just walking by and ignoring it. Like it's not even happening right in front of them. I wonder and I try to disect people's actions and displays of emotions and I just get more confused. I am just astonished by people who would think so highly of themselves that they deserve to wear the fur or skin of the 50+ animals who must be killed for one fur coat or leather jacket. It makes me want to scream watching people be so selfish and so cruel as to WANT for so much, and be willing to condone such horrible things to get what they want. Not out of necessity, but out of WANT. Why is a simple life that harms none who are living not enough?...
Why must innocent animals continue to be the victims of our greed and vanity? Nothing makes me more angry than to see a Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce-type parading around in rear and exotic animal furs. They have all the money in the world, and they still need to condone the torture of helpless animals who have no chance or means to beg for mercy, to make them a coat they can add to their collection of hundreds of pieces of clothing. Animals are thrown in tiny boxes and gassed, analy electrocuted while being forced to bite on a piece of metal as they are fried from the inside out so their fur won't be damaged, and kept and bred in tiny cages in harsh conditions. There's nothing I'd like more than to watch a Jennifer Lopez-type walk around a fur farm and watch them make her a fur coat. Or for that matter, watch ANYONE walk through a slaughterhouse or factory farm and be able to eat meat again. There's a reason they don't build factory farms and slaughterhouses in our neighborhoods, and with the widespread of animal abuse in the factory farmind industry; they have PLENTY they don't want us to bare witness to or know about.
Maybe I just don't understand, having been an animal lover since the days when I was just a wee little hippie, the necessity of always wanting more than what is necessary to survive. It's never the fur coat, the steak on the dinner table, or the pure bred dog that bring a real smile to anyone's life, yet animals suffer and die horrible deaths to bring momentary gratification to our lives. Yet we hardly remember a one of many pieces of flesh consumed from the dinner table, or a fur coat worn in the cold, or caring about our pets simply because they are pure bred, as if that is something that makes them more capable of being loyal companion animals. I certainly can't imagine why dogs are being bred and sold "pure" when thousands of dogs are euthanized daily to make room for more dogs from puppy mills and the pet stores who buy them. When does the value of a life outweigh the value of a dollar?
Yeah, I go to all these protests, write letters and make phone calls and people think it's a waste of time, but who will speak for those that are suffering at our hands, if we all go home and shut up? Who will there be to fight for the end of the cruel treatment and infliction of pain on innocent animals?
I refuse to believe that people are just so cruel they don't care. I cling to the hope they are ignorant only out of fear of the truth, because the truth is never as beautiful as the mask shielding it from our eyes.


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