About Me
- Name: Gabriella
- Location: Ohio, United States
Gabriella ~ Just your ordinary student, preschool teacher, animal-lover, tree hugger, Bush-hater, anti-war, strawberry eating, Tootsie Roll loving, late night talking, Sunflower picking, shower singing, snow angel making, coloring book addict who loves old movies/documentaries, my JRT, smiling, hugs, rainy days and sleeping with the window open. Dating Greg, who is adorable, sweet, funny, vegan, all that good stuff! A firm believer of love, peace, and laughter, who is each day rediscovering what a cruel and mean place the world really is, and how many people live in ignorant bliss...
Previous Posts
- I Will Grow Happier, Not Sadder Or Madder.
- Sleepy.
- Our Lives Are Made In These Small Hours.
- Butterflies And Flutterbys...Which One Are YOU?
- Stop Poking Me In The Face!
- "Hooray For Poems!" ~ Greg
- I Found My Safe Place. It's You.
- Life As Falling Glass, Shattering In Slow Motion.
- Snuggles and Cuddles.
At 6:22 PM,
awake1234 said…
If you do not see me
know Im still there
If you do not feel me
know I still care
For the bonds we share
by the scars we bare
the slight imperfections
In love were a pair~
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