Bear Wrestling...
So there is going to be a bear named Ceasar wrestling at Scorcher's tonight. He is owned by a guy named Mazzola, who owns Posh Niteclub here in northeast Ohio. He is a real jerk, and has no compassion for animals, or human beings for that matter. He rents out this bear named Ceasar, who he also uses at his niteclub, and basically drunks pay to wrestle the bear. The bear is in pathetic condition, has a bear bottom, which means it's been living in its own feces, and is drugged and made to try to defend itself against drunks. How shaming and awful. Basically people pay to wrestle the bear, and they go one after another, so the bear gets no rest. It's awful, and people call this entertainment. I am very sadenned that things like this are allowed to go on, that people allow such a dispicable mistreatment of animals to occur. I consider people who participate in such activities to be very low and cruel. What is a life lived inside a cage, being drugged and humiliated inside a niteclub by a bunch of drunks over and over. People seem to have a need to overpower creatures who they deem more powerful, in a very unfair and sad manner. Wild animals belong in the wild, not drugged, trying to defend itself in a niteclub. People seem to have this dier need to tarnish anything that is beautiful and turn it into something very ugly. I am truly discouraged by things like this. Makes me question my faith in humanity...
At 12:13 PM,
Patti McCracken said…
Okay, no worthwhile comments about bear wrestling... but just here to say I also have a Jack Rusell (Remi--a couple of fotos on my blog), and congrats on your upcoming move to Maui. Roxy will love it there... lots of places to swim and roam. Maybe the world will be a better to you there.
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