Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,
I know you're busy getting ready for Christmas, so thanks for reading my letter! I have been such a good girl this year! I tried very hard to be nice to all the boys, even the ones that have cooties. So here's my wish list...
1. Peace on Earth for Everyone.
2. Compassion for All of Life.
3. More Open Eyes.
4. More Love in the World.
5. Less War.
6. Less Hate.
7. More Happiness.
8. Less Poverty.
9. More Living.
10. Less Dying.
11. More Time to Love.
12. More Good Hair Days in 2007.
13. More Sleeping In.
14. More Time to Make Art.
15. More Snow Angels.
16. Chanel No. 5.
17. Hot Pink Victoria's Secret Weekend Tote.
18. A New Coloring Book.
19. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown on DVD.
20. A Life-Like Squirrel for Roxy.
I know I asked for a lot, but I'll be happy if you grant any wish from 1 to 10...I am expecting the rest on Christmas Eve, so hurry!
P.S. ~ I'll leave you double chocolate chip cookies this year :)
P.S.S. ~ Anyone else who wishes to send me a gift: please wrap and add bow to make it pretty! :)
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