Life In Fuschia...

~*Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King Jr.*~

Friday, August 18, 2006

Help End The Commercial Seal Hunting In Canada...

There is a massive seal hunt going on right now in Canada, and seals are being clubbed to death by the thousands. "Canada's annual seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet. This year the Canadian government allowed fishermen to club and shoot more than 330,000 baby seals in the North Atlantic, just to earn a few extra bucks by selling seal skins. Last year, 98.5% of the seals killed were two months of age or younger—and veterinary reports indicate that many seals have been skinned while still conscious and able to feel pain. The HSUS's ProtectSeals team was on the ice at this year's hunt to document the unspeakable violence that takes place far from the eyes of the world." This is truly a targedy, they're just baby seals, and they are horribly killed just for their fur. One thing that everyone can do to help is simply refuse to have anything to do with Canadian Seafood. It's an easy way to help the fight to stop this tragedy from occuring year after year, and it can make a real difference. Places like Red Lobster receive their seafood from Canada, by not going there you can show them you will not have any part of such cruelty in the name of profit. There is footage of these tragic events on the Humane Society's Website that everyone needs to see. It wil break your heart, no human being could not be touched by what has happened here. We are their only hope for survival, if nothing is done soon the human greed for profit will destroy one more species. It's a real sad realization when you see how far people are willing to go to make a profit, and what sort of cruelty they are willing to profit from. ~ Help save the seals by joining the HSUS' Save The Seals Campaign...


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