Life In Fuschia...

~*Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King Jr.*~

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

News From Home...

Today I heard news from home. Protesting has begun to force the resignation of the Hungarian Prime Minister. It's about time! Evidence has been made public that he has lied about the state of the economy in Hungary, widely misleading the Hungarian people. An estimated 2,000 protesters have gathered in the capital (in front of the parliament building) to protest for the 3rd night tonight, to call for Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany's resignation. Unfortuanetly the protest tonight turned violent, though no-one has been seriously injured thus far, cars were set on fire and the rioting got out of hand. More protests are planned for the rest of the week, the biggest being on Saturday night per protesters, and continuing into early October. The Prime Minister has replied with this statement "I will persist despite protesting." I'm so excited people are finally protesting, this guy is simply an asshole, working only for himself. He was elected into office by the olden minded people of Hungary who were supporters of the Communist rule in Hungary before 1990. It's time for a change, the government in Hungary accomplished nothing for the people, but blindly leading them back to the days of the Communist party which ruled Hungary for so long, before it's fall in the 1990's. If only I could be there, I love a protest for a good cause. The Prime Minister also gloats of how proud he is he managed to cover up his scamming of the Hungarian people for the past 4 years about the budget. Ok, now only Bush is left...I'm just waiting for him to finally come out and admit he is a greedy bastard with alternate agendas, the war in Iraq is about oil and conquering the Middle East, and I just want him to acknowledge that he has been blaintantly lying to the American people, and I want him to write his own speech for that one too...I'd like to hear it. His day will come...The following are excerpts from a leaked video of some of the lies the Prime Minister of Hungary told to cover-up their not doing anything in the past years, and I mean doing nothing whatsoever! And when he talk about the "Left," he is talking about the Communist Party...

"The deal is that in the shortest term we have no choice. (Finance Minister Janos) Veres is right. We can fiddle around a little bit, but not much. The moment of truth will quickly arrive. Divine providence, the abundance of cash in the world economy and hundreds of tricks -- which you clearly don't need to know about -- helped us survive. That's it. No more. ..."

"What we could do secretly during the past months so that no documents would appear in the last weeks of the election campaign showing what we were up to, we did. We kept the secret... knowing that if we won, we would have to really get going, (because) we've never had such a problem..."

"I think there are going to be conflicts, kids. Yes, there will be. There will be demonstrations. They can protest in front of parliament. Sooner or later they grow bored and go home..."

"It's a fantastic thing to be in politics. Fantastic. It's fantastic to lead a country. I was personally able to get through the last 18 months because I had one ambition which drove me -- to give back the Left the faith that it can win. That it doesn't have to lower its head in this damn country. That it doesn't have to soil its pants because of (opposition leader) Viktor Orban and the Right and can learn to measure itself not against them but against the world. This is what gave me faith, that it was worth doing this. It was a great thing. I loved it. It was the best part of my life..."


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