A Mourning Light...

Today is a very sad day. As I remember September 11th five years ago today, I look back on what has become a misrepresented and over-marketed tragedy. When I think of September 11th, I think of the countless speeches George W. Bush has given using the events to try to win support for an unjustified war on the Middle East, and how often it has been used to ensue anger in the American people rather than bring unity in the face of such terrible events. Somehow it just seems that is not how such an impactful event should be remembered. I really think this tragedy has been tainted and turned into something the current administration has used for the past five years to mask the truth behind why there is a war in the Middle East. I am sickened by the way that the events of that day have been used to justify the American people's invasion of privacy by the government, a haste and incomplete plan for war, a war that started out as a hunt for a terrorist and has somehow manifested into a war that seems to have no end in sight, and no real purpose anymore, just massacre. I am deeply saddened today that this administration has tarnished the memory of September 11th by using those events to manipulate the American people into willingly giving support to a war that has been so wrong from the very begining, for so long. I am ashamed of the way the government, and this administration, has taken the heartbreak and loss of the people affected on September 11th, 2001 and used it to turn the American peope into pawns. Just goes to show you how some people will use tragedy to manipulate you into giving away your rights, and surrendering to their wills. Sadly September 11th, 2001 is slowly becoming the Iraqi War legacy of George W. Bush's administration. Today is a day to remember how many people have become victims of violence, greed, war. September 11th, 2001 has been another magnified example of what disunity does to the world. It's a day to mourn for the whole world, everyone. It's time to unite and commit to peace. Maybe someday it will be enough. All the wars, the lost people, the destruction. Maybe someday everyone will just say...enough...
(Not my picture)
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