Tight Quarters...

"Billions of animals are transported to slaughter each year in the United States and across our borders, suffering terribly in the process. They endure deprivation of food and water, exposure to extreme heat or cold, overcrowding and injury, and lack of opportunity for rest. These cruel transport practices and the misery they cause are driven by economics and fueled by a lack of government oversight. Animals pay the price in pain and suffering to provide cheap meat to consumers and to increase meat industry profits. What is most shocking, there is effectively no federal regulation of farmed animal transportation in the United States. While Congress has enacted more than 50 statutes regarding animal welfare, only two laws address the welfare of animals raised for food or food production. Neither of these laws applies to animals transported by truck, although it is the primary way in which farmed animals are transported. Please join us in urging Congress to enact a law regulating the transport of farmed animals throughout the United States and across our borders." Urge Congress to enact a law regulating the transport of farmed animals!..
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