There Is No Love Where Ignorance Breeds, and Money Is God...

So yesterday I went down to Holmes county for the Buckeye Dog Auction protest against puppy mills. They moved the auction from where it's usually held at the Holmes County Flea Market, out to the middle of nowhere. I found it ironic that the auction sign was posted to the fencing of a small graveyard. The place was deserted, which was a good thing because we had a hard time finding it, so I assume potential puppy mill customers did as well. Most of the other people besides Lisa and me, and one other person, got lost and never showed up, and one group encountered a roadside situation that needed their attention, so they arrived later after we left. People down there gave us no support, we had a few people who agreed with us. One guy was a real arrogant piece of work, and he preached to us about how he was a born-again Christian, and asked us why we weren't protesting an abortion clinic. He actually asked us how we could believe that animal life is more important than human life. People like that get me, you can never convince a person like that to have compassion. You can never make them understand that all of life can be valued equally. They will only try to make you feel like you are wasting your time, and they'll throw the Bible at you and try to explain their point of view without listening to yours. I've written about the poor conditions in puppy mills before, and I've been inside the auction, and I'm only standing up against what I've seen, so this ignorant asshole was wasting his time trying to preach his born-again Christian fascade to me.
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