Life In Fuschia...

~*Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King Jr.*~

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Cleveland Clinic And University Hospitals: ANIMAL CRUELTY

The post I made previous to this was about the dog that was killed during a sales pitch demonstration by a doctor from The Cleveland Clinic, whose name botheway is Dr. Robert J. White. The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals also supported the proposed trapping of cats last year, proposed by the mayor of Ohio at the time. They supported this trapping of cats because once the cats were trapped they were given to The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals to be victims of their painful brain surgery experiments. The Cleveland Clinic has supported other issues relating to animals being used for research, or "donated" to research if they were not adopted from shelters. The experiments conducted on these defenseless animals is sick and cruel, leaving them to die painfully. Their lives are robbed of chances, they are killed without a second thought, and The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals will support any proposal to get defenseless animals in their hands for these disturbing "research experiments." They participate in "donation" programs where they pay very low fees (ie: $3 per animal) to shelters, and the shelters "donate" their long-stay animals who haven't been adopted after a certain period. Shelters who participate in such programs are also horrific, and I don't consider such shelters true havens for animals, but rather profit-seekers. One of the experiments conducted by The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals on animals is called a vivisection, which is the cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation; broadly : animal experimentation conducted to cause distress to the subject. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition). This is cruel and the animals suffer horribly before their inevitable death or discarding (in the case the experiment hasn't killed the animal, the animal is killed). I would NEVER go to a clinic who employs doctors willing to kill animals to make a sale, and who conduct cruel experiments on animals, and sink to support the horrific trapping of animals only to be able to inflict further pain upon them with their cruel "research." Avoid The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals, know the truth.


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