Disarm This Administration...
So I was reading this blog about how there was a proposition made to Iran some time ago about surrendering its nuclear weapons. It made me very angry. The proposition to Iran to disarm its nuclear weapons, has been widely hypocritical. If Iran is to surrender its weapons in the name of peace, why not the country we live in? Why doesn't America set an example since we are so powerful and "hollier than thou" when it comes to other countries? It seems we are telling others to surrender their weapons because they are not suited to have them, but our own weapons are killing children and innocent people DAILY in Iraq, in a seriously misguided war that has been misrepresented to the people by the government. I have observed this war in Iraq as being mainly hyped by the government and hazy in terms of what we are told. Bush is talking out of his ass most all the time, and telling us as little as he can about what's really happening in Iraq, which is that there is no progress being made, only miniscule changes. Iraq is not any closer to a democratic government than they were before Saddam was brought down. How can they be? It was clear from the beggining that the United States was never going to give the Iraqi people the independence we were led to believe was going to result from this war. A Democratic government would not be possible in Iraq because of the fighting among the diverse groups in the country. So what will happen now? The fact is there is no progress being made, people are dying, and Bush is stumbling to try to explain away the reasons why, and to construe some sort of sensible yet miniscule goal that can be met, and he will then claim it as a victory over terrorism. There have been countless victories over terrorism, yet when I think about it, there is only one maybe, and that's the downfall of Saddam (who truly is a bad man). Where are the victories his administration has promised us? Like freedom for the Iraqi people? A democratic government within the first year? It's been 4 years. Yet there are all these victories, that have been elevated to such success, yet not much has changed from these victories Bush has called so "changing" and "crucial." How long is he going to be allowed to make bad decisions and feed us this bullshit? He has sent us into enormous debt, sent our soldiers to war, attempted to force the submission of other countries to his will, and he explained it all away with bullshit. Absolute crap. He is too busy being "a war president" to worry about his people past election day. He stood up and opposed homosexuality too (I am not discrimitory against any sexuality, I'm simply stating this issue was his campaign strongpoint), but only until round two of his presidency began, then it was back to "war president" and more bullshit for the masses. Enough is enough. Enough people have died, enough children have been orphaned. I'm not willing to accept the mass killing of innocent people in exchange for greed, in silence. I won't sit down and shut up, so keep telling me I'm unpatriotic, bitches. Disarm this administration I say…
At 2:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
9/11 film. Essential viewing:
At 3:16 PM,
Gabriella said…
I have seen this! Others should watch as well, thank you for the link!
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