Life In Fuschia...

~*Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King Jr.*~

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Dear Greg,

It was nice that we could talk like that tonight.
Can't wait to see you tomorrow! :)


Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Dear Furry Greg,

I was very sad today, but I smiled a little because of you.

Goodnight Furry Greg :)



I was listening to the radio on my way to classes early this morning, and they were talking about the woman who microwaved her one month old baby. I am just horrified and disturbed by what she did. It made me think of that man in Lodi, who cooked the puppies in the oven. It always bums me out how cruel people are. It really scares me that some people just don't feel. They just have no capacity to love or feel closeness. I don't think life would be worth living if I couldn't feel. I often wonder what makes people do bad things. Why don't some people feel anything? How can anyone watch a little puppy suffer and die in an oven? I try to believe that everyone has some good in them, but not these people. They are bad. It scares me people can be so tainted. Some people fear the devil which they cannot see, but I'm more afraid of people. I can see what they do, and it frightens me. What more evil can be done that man hasn't already done to the innocent? I'm really bummed out. I need a hug...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

I know you're busy getting ready for Christmas, so thanks for reading my letter! I have been such a good girl this year! I tried very hard to be nice to all the boys, even the ones that have cooties. So here's my wish list...

1. Peace on Earth for Everyone.
2. Compassion for All of Life.
3. More Open Eyes.
4. More Love in the World.
5. Less War.
6. Less Hate.
7. More Happiness.
8. Less Poverty.
9. More Living.
10. Less Dying.
11. More Time to Love.
12. More Good Hair Days in 2007.
13. More Sleeping In.
14. More Time to Make Art.
15. More Snow Angels.
16. Chanel No. 5.
17. Hot Pink Victoria's Secret Weekend Tote.
18. A New Coloring Book.
19. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown on DVD.
20. A Life-Like Squirrel for Roxy.

I know I asked for a lot, but I'll be happy if you grant any wish from 1 to 10...I am expecting the rest on Christmas Eve, so hurry!

P.S. ~ I'll leave you double chocolate chip cookies this year :)

P.S.S. ~ Anyone else who wishes to send me a gift: please wrap and add bow to make it pretty! :)


I like him.
I think he likes me too.
Can I trust him?
I don't know.
Is he just the same as what's already been done?
What about the far aways?
I don't know.
I like him.
I think he likes me too.
I will think...

Monday, November 27, 2006


Dear Furry Greg,

Does this mean I have to get you a Christmas present? haha.


Sunday, November 26, 2006


Dear Greg,

You are adorable.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Difference.

"And for all you know..
This could be..
The difference between what you need..
And what you want to be.."

Monday, November 20, 2006

OJ Simpson ~ Here's Another Slap in the Face.

I am absolutely disguisted by OJ Simpson's recent interview where he talks about how he would've murdered his late wife Nicole Brown, "had he done it." He basically explains that if "hypothetically he had murdered Nicole, how it would've happened." He also wrote an entire book detailing the murders, "hypothetically" of course, but with vivid details only the killer would know. C'mon...we all know he did it, we've always known it was him. This interview was just another slap in the face of the families whose loved ones he viciously murdered. It's basically him saying he did it and got away with it, and he's rubbing our faces in it. I am sickened by OJ Simpson more so now than ever before. Not only was it blatantly obvious at the time of the murders that it was him, but some judge, who clearly slept through the entire trial, as did the jury...let him get away with murdering two people. I have never understood how the people on that jury, the judge, or his attorneys can sleep at night knowing they let a murderer go free. They let him get away with capital crimes without even a slap on the wrist, and now he is making a mockery of the tragedy he has inflicted on the families and loved ones of two people. It makes me so upset to know people like him roam free without a single guilty thought, while innocent people suffer in life. It's just so unfair. Why on earth would anyone be so cruel as to give a hypothetical account of their childrens' mother's vicious murder? I think he is a terrible a person. How could he be a good father and give an interview to the world on how he would've murdered their mother, had he been the one who did it? If pigs have started flying, hell has by chance frozen over, and there is someone out there who belives OJ Simpson is innocent...why would he give an interview like this? He could've used something else for publicity. How could he do this to his children? This isn't his first attempt at making a mockery of how he murdered two people. He had a briefly aired comedy show where he did a skit re-enacting the murders he commited, again "hypothetically," and even included a blood smeared white Bronco. I'm so angered, he is shouting to the world that he committed 2 murders and got away with it. I wonder how the people on his jury, that found him innocent, feel watching him make a joke out of what he did. This man deserves to suffer for what he has done and the way he's making jokes about getting away with murder. What an unjust right to live this man has. I truly hate very few besides George W. Bush, but OJ Simpson deserves a fate that is equal to the suffering he has inflicted.

So if I shove my mouth full of cookies but say "I didn't do it, but if I hypothetically ate the cookie, here's how I did it "...yet the cookie is gone and there is clear visual evidence of cookies having entered my mouth...did I eat the cookies?...and if I say I didn't eat the cookies, but continue to "hypothetically" describe and re-enact how I ate the I innocent, or did I eat the cookies and am now making a fool out of you?...Think about that.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bittersweet Conformity.

I have given in and made a MySpace page...HAPPY NOW?! haha. Here it is.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Memories Of Snow.

I'm so excited about Christmas. The snow. The lights. The fireplace all lit up and warm. I can't wait to go outside and make snow angels. Just today I remembered being little and playing outside in the snow in one of those funny snowsuits with attached mittens. Those were hard to move in, but they sure were useful for rolling around in the snow, hiding inside an igloo, or laying on my back and watching the snowflakes floating toward me from the sky. Watching Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the origional) at least 5 times before Christmas came, still one of my favorites! :) I miss driving around with my Dad on Christmas eve looking at the lights while my Mom made dinner for us. I miss laying down to sleep and sharing whispers with my little brother on the top bunk. Even when I discovered Santa was only my Dad ringing a bell on the mantle, it was my little brother jolting from bed whispering "Did you hear that? He's here!" that made me feel warm inside. My grandparents sending us chocolate santas to put in the window for Mikulas, which is a Hungarian celebration for filling stockings before Christmas. Hanging the chocolates on the tree (or sneaking them off and putting the wrapper back on the tree! haha, which my brother and I were experts at). Building a snowman with my little brother and my Dad on a cold dark snowy night when I was 9. It was our first Christmas in Ohio, after we had moved here from Hungary, and presents didn't matter. All we had was us...I can't wait to make snow angels this year. That picture is me, in my funny snow pants.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Feeling Blue.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Someone Had a Birthday!

Someone had a birthday with 41 balloons.
Made a wish on Macaroni and learned how to Doodle.
Fed racoons and watched a movie after Dr. Seuss.
Who wished him Happy Birthday before he got squirted.
Spongebob and sleepiness helped him celebrate.
Someone had a birthday with 41 balloons.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Brief Summary Of My Contemplations On Life...

Today in one of my literacy courses we watched the documentary Paperclips. I have seen this documentary a few times before, but it gets me everytime. The documentary is about an 8th grade class in Tennessee, that comes to make a truly impactful project about the Holocaust. I won't give away what the project is, but I recommend it. It's a powerful documentary, with accounts from survivors, and the communication of human emotion. I've seen this documentary probably five times prior to today, and I don't think I'll ever watch it without crying. It makes me think and feel and connect. Today, other people were crying and feeling an impact on their lives. Everyone knows about the Holocaust because it's taught in school, but it's different when you really make a connection and feel hurt for someone else, and become part of a common thread of emotion. It's really powerful sharing hurt with someone, and it manages to be powerful when you share the feeling with a stranger or someone you love. My professor said something really meaningful today about sharing emotional and sensitive subjects with students in our future classrooms, she said "Never be afraid to teach your students about the truth, and things that evoke emotions..." I'm amazed by kids everyday, but when kids are touched by sense of hurt for someone or something else, it really gives me hope that all the bad things in the world will someday be changed by these kids, and the world will be a better place. I think and think about people's capacity to feel so much all at once, or so little sometimes. I remember things from when I was little and how meaningful and feeling provoking everything seemed to be. I felt the warmth outside when I played with my friends, but I never see my adult peers excited by the sunshine and the green grass. How does the excitement of life just fade away like that? I think maybe children feel the most of all, and they do it outloud without shame or doubt or second thoughts. Why don't we just cry when we feel sad, or hug strangers when we think they might need it, or we just want to be hugged? Why don't we yell and make others aware of our discontent at unfairness or mistreatment? Why do people hide from what they feel? I used to think people were simple, but I'm starting to feel they are truly complex creatures...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


You shine and you glow, and you never stop.
You're in my sky and you glitter.
You glitter when my world is dark.
With you I tumble among the stars.
You run with me through fast dreams.
You feel gentleness for the broken.
You see Peace, I see Peace.
With you I know.
I laugh.
I feel.
I live.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Taking The Long Way Around.

"It can get pretty lonely when you show yourself
Guess I could have made it easier on myself
But I, I could never follow
No I, I could never follow
But I’ve always found my way somehow
By takin’ the long way
Takin’ the long way around
Well I never seem to do it like anybody else
Maybe someday, someday I’m gonna settle down..."

~ Dixie Chicks


Chocolate, chocolate, I love you so.
I want to marry you and live forever in the flavor of your brown.

Arnold Adoff