Life In Fuschia...

~*Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King Jr.*~

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I miss you today.
Wish you were here.
Wish you would hug me.
Wish I could talk to you whenever I wanted to.
Wish there was no distance.
Wish there were more days together.
Wish it was different for us.
Wish I didn't miss you.
Wish for more kisses.
Wish for more time with you.
Wish for more smiles.
Wish for more laughter.
All just wishes.
I miss you...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

ablueblendersittingupsidedowninthekitchen waitingtobesaved.

If I was a color, I would be blue.
If I was a smile, I would be upside down.
If I was a frown I would be right side up.
If I was a kitchen appliance, I would be a blender.
I spin very fast.
I'm happy.
I'm sad.
You don't know the dark place inside of me.
Sometimes I feel like hiding away.
You always find me.
You make me smile.
Sometimes I have a negative attitude, but you are my positive. :)
You will save me from myself...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

None Like You.

"The world is full of people, but none like you,
They're ordinary people, but none like you.
How far away is yesterday before you came along.
It seemed to be just a dream to me, until you proved here on.
The lanes are full of lovers, but none like you,
Just ordinary lovers, not dreams like you,
I shut my eyes to realize this grand surprise is true,
That I'm the lucky one who found you..."

~ Frank Sinatra

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Mental Note #10,932...

The attachment to material things vs. an attachment to memories...

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Mugs.

An early arrival with break time kisses.
Test driving our awesome mugs, and purple breakfast smoothies.
Sleeping in your arms, and feeling under the weather.
Holding me and playing with my hair.
Pottery that didn't happen, and bacon bits confusion.
The Ice Age had a happy ending, and it was time to leave...
Since you I'm happy for no reason.
I smile, I laugh, I feel alive.
Know I am on your side...I play only for Team Greg! :)
You're sweet and caring.
And it happened.
I Love You.

Bronchitis And The Girl.

F%cking Sh#t! I've got Bronchitis with a little bit of stomach flu to go with it. This sucks! I had to miss all my classes today and it's my first day at my new job as a lead teacher...things in my life just have a way of happening at just the wrong time. I'm going to go into work and see what my boss says, if she wants me to stay or leave as to not contaminate the premises and the children(haha). This was supposed to be a fun weekend, instead I spent some time throwing up and feeling crappy...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tip Taps From Blue Windows.

One drop, two drops.
Tip taps on my shirt.
Falling away from my blue windows.
There is a storm.
It's deep and it's coming.
Intense and dark.
It's here.
It's under my skin...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My Sweetest Sleep.

On a Sunday and a Monday there were many things...
A mug with a dream and my heart inside.
A mug with colors and colors of intricate expression.
A reflecting present not soon forgotten.
Six exciting Sweet Dreams adventures.
Sunshine late at night.
A tub full of feelings and Elmo's Wild Watermelon bubbles.
Two candles and a hundred smiles.
My sweetest sleep was inside your arms.
Wild Oats and tofu salad.
Raisins and oatmeal...not so much.
Cleveland and the puddles.
Descending fog and pictures.
Holding your hand, keeping you close.
Tommy's and Aladin's, and LOTS of falafel.
Big Fun brought us laughter and memories.
A Record Revolution and City Buddha.
Sitting on a couch trying to solve the stars, ourselves, and each other.
Cold and rainy outside, warm and safe together.
Teas and hot chocolates and vegan cookies.
Hugs and kisses.
Xs and Os.
LOTS of Xs and Os.
Quickly missing, still smiling.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Cleveland Clinic And University Hospitals: ANIMAL CRUELTY

The post I made previous to this was about the dog that was killed during a sales pitch demonstration by a doctor from The Cleveland Clinic, whose name botheway is Dr. Robert J. White. The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals also supported the proposed trapping of cats last year, proposed by the mayor of Ohio at the time. They supported this trapping of cats because once the cats were trapped they were given to The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals to be victims of their painful brain surgery experiments. The Cleveland Clinic has supported other issues relating to animals being used for research, or "donated" to research if they were not adopted from shelters. The experiments conducted on these defenseless animals is sick and cruel, leaving them to die painfully. Their lives are robbed of chances, they are killed without a second thought, and The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals will support any proposal to get defenseless animals in their hands for these disturbing "research experiments." They participate in "donation" programs where they pay very low fees (ie: $3 per animal) to shelters, and the shelters "donate" their long-stay animals who haven't been adopted after a certain period. Shelters who participate in such programs are also horrific, and I don't consider such shelters true havens for animals, but rather profit-seekers. One of the experiments conducted by The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals on animals is called a vivisection, which is the cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation; broadly : animal experimentation conducted to cause distress to the subject. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition). This is cruel and the animals suffer horribly before their inevitable death or discarding (in the case the experiment hasn't killed the animal, the animal is killed). I would NEVER go to a clinic who employs doctors willing to kill animals to make a sale, and who conduct cruel experiments on animals, and sink to support the horrific trapping of animals only to be able to inflict further pain upon them with their cruel "research." Avoid The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals, know the truth.

A Question Of Epic Proportions: Where Does Man's Power End?

This article appeared in the plain dealer today.

"A dog was killed at the Cleveland Clinic this week in the name of medical salesmanship.
A neurosurgeon on Wednesday caused an aneurysm in the brain of the large, mixed-breed dog so that a medical device could be used to treat the condition.
About two-dozen salespeople from the device's manufacturer watched the demonstration, and at least some participated in some sort of hands-on exercise, a Clinic spokeswoman said.
The dog was placed under anesthesia for the procedure and then killed afterward.
The incident took place without permission of the hospital's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, which is supposed to review any request to work with animals.
The doctor, whom the Clinic did not identify, had submitted an application to the committee, but its members never had the opportunity to review it. They would have rejected it, the spokeswoman said, because the Clinic does not allow doctors to use animals for the sole purpose of sales training.
"The date of the event was coming up and [the doctor] hadn't heard there was a problem, so he wrongly assumed it was OK to proceed," the spokeswoman said.
The Clinic on Thursday was reporting the incident to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which regulates animal welfare.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals also got involved.
Shalin Gala, a research associate at PETA, said the organization received a tip Wednesday that salespeople from California-based Micrus Endovascular Corp. were training in the use of the MicroCoil system so they would be knowledgeable when making sales pitches. The system allows for a less-invasive means than surgery to treat a brain aneurysm, a weak spot on a blood vessel that balloons out and fills with blood. The technique requires a doctor to thread coils through a catheter to the site of the aneurysm, trying to pack the aneurysm with enough coils to prevent blood flow.
Brain aneurysms can occur in anyone but are more common in adults than in children and slightly more common in women than in men, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. About 27,000 people suffer ruptured aneurysms each year in the United States.
Gala, of PETA, sent a letter to the president of Micrus Endovascular, asking him to stop Wednesday's training program and establish a "formal policy prohibiting the use of animals for training purposes."
A Micrus official said Thursday that he had no knowledge of the incident, adding, "Are you sure you have the right company?"
"I can't comment on what a doctor did," he said at another point. "I would assume this is a Cleveland Clinic internal matter."
Hospital leaders are beginning an internal investigation.
F. Barbara Orlans, a faculty affiliate at Georgetown University's Kennedy Institute of Ethics, said the Clinic and its animal care committee are responsible for disciplining the doctor, who she said was "absolutely in error in terms of not knowing what his constraints are" at both the institutional and federal levels.
Martin Stephens, vice president for animal research issues at the Humane Society of the United States, had a harsher assessment.
"Not following internal procedure on something as sensitive as this was reckless," he said. "This guy was incredibly naive about the system or just didn't care."
Stephens said using dogs for demonstrations "does not pass muster these days," even though dogs are still tagged as research subjects.
According to the Foundation for Biomedical Research, which supports humane animal research, dogs and cats together represent less than one-half of 1 percent of all lab animals needed in the United States.
The Ohio Revised Code allows for impounded dogs that end up unclaimed to be sold for $3 to nonprofit organizations engaged in teaching or research concerning the prevention and treatment of diseases. But none of the Northeast Ohio kennels contacted by The Plain Dealer said they would allow animals to be sold for such experimentation.
The statute has sections dating to 1953. Greg Willey, volunteer coordinator and adoption supervisor at the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter, said that, although the law remains on the books, he would be surprised if any Cleveland area shelter sold dogs for research.
"No, no, we don't do it and haven't done it for years and years," he said. "Most shelters are so ahead of the game, trying to provide humane services for dogs, get them homes and give animals medical treatment that it would not even be considered. I know of no agency that does it."
The dog used in Wednesday's demonstration at the Clinic was purchased from a licensed vendor.
The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science says animal dealers who provide dogs and cats to research laboratories must be licensed by the USDA and adhere to the Animal Welfare Act. "

I just don't understand this licensing of living, breathing, feeling creatures in the name of medical research. In this day and age isn't there another way? I just refuse to believe that innocent life must be taken for the betterment of the world. I am so saddened by this article, and that a doctor would be so careless and unkind. I find it hypocritical that doctors work to save lives, yet they are willing to take an innocent animals life in the name of a sales pitch. If you don't have respect for defenseless and "lower-percieved" life, than what is the difference to you in saving the life of a poor homeless man who own nothing and has nothing of value? It seems to me that life has value only when the living have something value to give them worth. I'm very saddened by the way people justify taking life. A doctor does something like this, which happens everyday, it just doesn't make the news everyday, and the most that happens is someone blinks and reacts, but then it's forgotten. Everything seems to be alright as long as it's approved by a "committee" or covered under some sort of "Act." Has anyone ever thought that maybe the "Acts" and the "committees" are condoning unneccessary and bad things? I don't know a worst way to die than in the name of research. A usually slow and painfull death for the betterment of the world. I just don't buy it. People may be playing God with animals now, but if they don't feel it adequate to use animals anymore, what is to stop them from using people who are discarded and down on their luck? Homeless animals who are in need of a home and waiting only for a loving owner who will care about them end up in these situations on a regular basis, so where does it end? What is the limit of human power? How much more cruelty and abuse is acceptable? Animals are mistreated as a whole; in factory farms, research labs, the fur industry, etc. If we have no respect for the life of the smallest and most helpless of life, than how can we expect to be shown any mercy in our time of need? Small cruelties will manifest and build into bigger ones. If we allow people to take life in the name of a sales pitch, or a steak dinner, or a fur coat, or countless other animal-harming luxuries which are NOT necessities, then how can we ever stop people from doing the same things to other people. The Bible says we have dominion over the animals that walk the earth, but is there not a responsibility to use them only where it's necessary at least? A fur coat is not necessary for keeping warm, steak/beef/chicken/lamb/veal/etc are not necessary for survival, killing animals to make a sales pitch is not necessary. These are all choices we make. Chosing compassion and respect for life by not depriving the animals of their lives for our meals is a choice. I refuse to believe that animals were put on this earth for us to feast on, conduct experiemtns and research on, skin for coats, and use for entertainment. If there is a God, I just don't believe this is what his plan for us was...This defenseless dog will never bark, play with a toy, run in happiness, cuddle up to an owner, or fall asleep next to a loyal human companion again...all for a sales pitch...

Monday, January 08, 2007

Two Cute Herbivores. One Is Furry Also.

Smooth Greg, Not Furry Greg.

You are furry.
Here is a not furry picture of you.
I am not furry.
I sometimes like furry people.
You are furry.
I like you.
Not just some times.
All the time.
Even when you tell me I need to brush my hair and then you laugh at me.
Even when you unnecessarily pull my pants down and laugh at me.
Even when you poke me with your tounge and then laugh at me.
Even when you lick my face and then laugh at me.
I still like you.
Because you listen to me.
You talk to me.
You make me laugh.
You hold me when I sleep.
And when I'm awake too.
You like me just as I am.
You are furry.
I like you.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Fear Nothing. Not Me.

Don't be afraid to be who you are.
Fear Nothing.
Not me.
Love will uproot the pain you feel.

Monday, January 01, 2007

I Can't Smile.

You are the one who makes me smile.
You are too far away.
I can't hug you.
How do I smile?